Sarah grew up in a ministry home as a missionary kid in Spain. After struggling with bitterness towards the ministry, the Lord got a hold of her heart and Sarah began to desire serving the Lord however He would lead.
As a teenager Josh had the opportunity of living in Hawaii and attending Ohana Baptist Church in Honolulu. It was there that He encountered the Chuukese people. While in college the Lord specifically called Josh to go to Chuuk, Micronesia as a missionary.
Once Josh and Sarah move to Chuuk they plan to begin a very dynamic ministry. They will be working under the leadership of Pastor Mike Abbe, a national Chuukese. After learning the culture and language, they plan to move to the outer islands and begin planting churches of their own. Both are burdened for deaf people and plan to begin reaching deaf Chuukese people.
Of Chuuk’s 53,000 people, almost half claim to be Catholic and the other half Mainline Protestant. However, almost all of them hold to their ancient beliefs as well and spiritism dominates the islands and culture. It is Josh and Sarah’s burden to reach these lost souls for the Savior.